Kriti MIS Manager
Kriti MIS Manager Software provides a standard Rapid MIS Development Tool to suit your Business Intelligence Applications. MIS Manager are customisable for dynamic linking and integration with existing SAP, Core Banking, ERP, Finance, HRM, CRM and other Business Applications and Office Tools deployed in your Enterprise. With proven Technological and Business Expertise, our MIS Management Consultants can join hands to provide MIS Integration and Business Intelligence solutions.
MIS Manager is an Enterprise MIS Management Software Suite. MIS Manager offers substantial advantage as a solution that can be configured according to each customer’s requirements. With MIS Manager, users can take advantage of Databases residing at Diverse Enterprise solutions. MIS Manager brings all MIS Reports to a single Platform towards Reporting, Analysing and other related Business Intelligence Applications.
MIS Manager is a readily implementable solution, with capability to interface with any existing Data source towards faster and efficient implementation and management. With capability to deploy across the Enterprise, MIS Manager can provide the advantage of managing outputs and Reports generated from various sources and technologies.
Easily configurable MIS Manager’s, Report design feature makes it a truly flexible solution for all skilled and unskilled users to structure and manage Management Information Statements for multiple Analytical and Consolidation functions on various Permutations and Combinations.